
Privacy Protection of Information Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)

Authority for the credit provider to obtain certain credit information or credit eligibility information

Authority to exchange information with other credit providers

Authority for other parties to obtain certain credit information or credit eligibility information

Privacy Statement

Access to your personal information

Permitted disclosures


Privacy Policy

Privacy Protection of Information Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)

Priority Funding Corporation Pty Limited ABN (44 079 570 399), (‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’) collects information about you for the purposes you agree to in this Privacy Disclosure Statement and Consent. When you sign, you agree we can, consistently with Australia’s privacy and credit reporting laws, collect, use and exchange credit and personal information about you for those purposes. A credit provider, to whom we submit an application may also disclose information about you to and collect information about you from one or more CRB’s. I/We understand that Section 21D of the Act allows Priority Funding Corporation Pty Ltd to give a credit reporting body or a Credit Provider certain personal information about me/us which I/we authorise them to do. The credit information which may be given is outlined by Section 6N of the Act and may include:

  • Consumer credit liability information;
  • Identification information;
  • Repayment history information;
  • Statement that an information request has been made in relation to me/us by a credit provider, mortgage insurer or trade insurer;
  • The type of consumer credit or commercial credit, and the amount of credit sought in an application that has been made by the individual to a creditor provider and in connection with which the credit
  • provider has made an information request in relation to me/us;
  • Default information;
  • Payment information;
  • New arrangement information;
  • Court proceedings information;
  • Personal insolvency information;
  • Public available information relating to my/our activities in Australia and my/our credit worthiness and that are not court proceedings about me/us that is entered or recorded on the National Personal
  • Insolvency Index; or
  • The opinion of a credit provider that I/we have committed, in circumstances specified by the credit provider, a serious credit infringement in relation to consumer credit provided by the credit
  • provider to me/us.
  • Credit eligibility information may also be given and include credit information and CP derived information, as defined by Section 6(1) of the Act.

I/we acknowledge and agree that we have been provided with notice by Priority Funding Corporation Pty Ltd that it is likely to disclose to a credit reporting body (CRB).

We, or A credit provider, to whom we submit an application may exchange your consumer and commercial credit information with CRBs to assess an application for consumer or commercial credit and manage that credit (including collect overdue payments). In particular, we can obtain credit information about you from a CRB providing both consumer and commercial credit information. The CRB we use is Veda:

Authority for the credit provider to obtain certain credit information or credit eligibility information

I/We understand that Section 21C of the Act allows Priority Funding Corporation Pty Ltd or the credit provider to collect certain personal information about me/us during the application process. This credit information helps us to assess your credit application. If I/we do not provide the information sought, the credit provider may not be able to process my/our credit application, or the credit provider may be limited in the other services that can be offered to me/us. To enable the credit provider to assess my/our application for personal or commercial credit, I/we authorise the credit provider to obtain credit information or credit eligibility information about me/us.

Credit Providers

As part of providing our services to you, we may undertake tasks for credit providers which are reasonably necessary to manage the application process. When doing so, we are acting as agent for the credit provider, with

the same privacy law requirements applying to both of us. A credit provider, to whom we submit an application, may disclose information about you to, and collect information about you from, from one or more CRBs. A full list

of potential credit providers is provided on our Website

Authority to exchange information with other credit providers

In accordance with Section 21J of the Act, I/we authorise the credit provider whether Priority Funding Corporation Pty Ltd or one of its Credit Providers to give to and obtain from credit providers named in this credit application and credit providers that may be named in a report issued by a credit reporting body information about my/our credit arrangements. I/We understand this information can include any information about my/our credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity that credit providers are allowed to give or receive from each other under the Act. I/We understand the information may be used for the following purposes:

  • to assess an application by me/us for credit;
  • to assist me/us avoid defaulting on my/our credit obligations;
  • to notify other credit providers of a default by me/us; and
  • to assess my/our credit worthiness.

Authority for other parties to obtain certain credit information or credit eligibility information

I/we authorise a trade insurer to obtain my/our report from a credit reporting body to assess the provision of insurance to the credit provider in relation to commercial credit provided by the credit provider, pursuant to Section 21L of the Act. I/we authorise the credit provider to disclose information about my/our personal credit worthiness to persons involved in funding credit for the purposes of enabling those persons involved to perform tasks necessary in the funding of credit.

Banker’s Opinions

I/We authorise the credit provider to give and receive a Banker’s Opinion for purposes connected with my/our business, trade or profession.

Authority for the credit provider to give information to guarantor/s

I/We authorise the credit provider to give to the guarantor/s of personal or commercial credit provided or to be provided to me/us by the credit provider, personal information about my/our credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity relating to the credit facilities, the subject of the guarantee/s, provided or to be provided to me/us for any purposes related to the enforcement or proposed enforcement of the guarantee/s.

Authority to use information for other purposes

I/We authorise the credit provider to use personal information collected from or in connection with me/us for all other purposes listed in the Collection Statement to this form.


If you complete this application you may supply the credit provider with information which is personal information subject to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). We collect your personal information to:

  • assess your application and provide this product and related services to you;
  • communicate with you in relation to this product and all transactions relating to the product;
  • monitor, audit, evaluate and otherwise administer this product and related services;
  • provide related facilities and services including settlement;
  • offer products of a similar type which we expect may be of interest to you;
  • keep and maintain a register of holders of the product and all persons who provide credit support in relation to the product;
  • provide information about credit provider products and services to you;
  • provide to contractors or other third party service or credit providers which provide services or credit in connection with this product and related services for these purposes;
  • provide information to our agents and brokers for the purposes of the calculation of commissions and other remuneration; and
  • provide to funders, financiers and rating agencies for the purposes of the funding, refinancing, sale or securitisation associated due diligence and review of the product provided to you (whether alone or with any other product).If you do not provide this information we may not be able to process or accept your application.

Access to your personal information

You understand that you may request access to your personal information held by us pursuant to Section 21T of the Act. However, you acknowledge that we may refuse to grant you access to information on the following grounds:

  • if granting access is unlawful;
  • denying access is required or authorised by or under an Australia or a court or tribunal order; or
  • giving access would likely to prejudice one or more enforcement related activities conduct by, or on behalf of, an enforcement body.

We are required to respond to your request for access within a reasonable period, but not longer than 10 days, after the request is made. If we refuse you access, we will provide you with written notice of reasons setting out the reasons for the refusal and that, if you are not satisfied with the response, you may access a recognised external dispute resolution scheme or make a complaint to the Privacy Commissioner. You may also request to the correction of your personal information pursuant to Section 21U of the Act. However, if that personal information you wish to be corrected is held by a credit reporting agency, you may have to request the correction directly with the credit reporting agency.

Permitted disclosures

We are permitted to disclose your personal information relating to your credit eligibility pursuant to Section 21H of the Act, including disclosures to other credit providers (Section 21J of the Act); disclosures relating to guarantees (Section 21K of the Act); disclosures to mortgage insurers (Section 21L of the Act); disclosures to debt collectors (Section 21M of the Act); and disclosures to other recipients (Section 21N of the Act).

Unless you tick the box below, we may also use your personal information to:

  • offer products or services which we expect may be of interest to you
  • determine future product and business strategies and develop services, including the modelling of data and data testing. I do not consent to the use of my personal information for this purpose.


You have the right to complain to us about any of our privacy practices pursuant to section 23A of the Act. Please ensure that when making a complaint to us, the privacy practice relates directly to our conduct. Per section 23B of the Act, upon receiving a complaint, we will investigate the matter and make a decision within 30 days, unless you have agreed to a longer period in writing. You understand that we may consult with a credit reporting body or another credit provider in the course of our investigations, if we deem it necessary. You can contact us using the contact details below, and request access to your personal information. In normal circumstances, we will give you, or arrange to have provided to you, full access to your personal information, however there may be some legal or administrative reason to deny you access, in which case we will tell you of the reason. There may be some charge to give you access where your request requires the compilation of personal information that has been archived or is significant in volume.

Address: PO Box 2118, MANSFIELD BC, QLD 4122

Phone: +61 (0)7 3420 5703